Ellen Campbell

World Rank - 17th
Points - 1131
05 / 249th at The Traka
03 / 249th at BWR Arizona
10 / 2322nd at Big Sugar
09 / 239th at The Rad
09 / 2319th at Chequamegon
08 / 2324th at SBT GRVL
08 / 239th at Leadville 100 MTB
07 / 2317th at Crusher in the Tushar
06 / 2317th at UNBOUND
04 / 2315th at Sea Otter Classic
10 / 2228th at Big Sugar
09 / 2210th at Chequamegon
08 / 227th at Leadville 100 MTB
07 / 2221st at Crusher in the Tushar
06 / 2251st at UNBOUND
04 / 2225th at Sea Otter Classic